Thursday, September 19, 2013


The word 'Adopt' means; 'to take as ones own, to claim.' Isn't it amazing to think that God, our heavenly Father chose to take us-orphans, without hope, dead in our sins- and adopted us? He has claimed us as His children, He saw us dead in sin, hopeless, with nothing to offer and loved us.
The Father's heart is for the orphan, He speaks of it over and over again in His word.
When you hear about orphans or adoption what do you think? - "I would love to adopt, but, it costs too much."
"I would love to adopt, but, my house isn't big enough."
would you put a price on your child's head? "you have a broken collar bone? we will take you to the doctor as long as it is under $300." "symptoms of Leukemia? we will take you in but it has to be less than $1000."
No, you make a way, you do without the movie theater that week; or you stop going out for dinner every night.
Life is worth every penny you can give and then some.
Never put a price tag on a precious life. Did Jesus say, "Father, giving up my life for Tony, Anna, Amanda, Bill- it is too much of you to ask, but I would love to if only it didn't cost so much, sorry all you sinners!"
No He did not He went willingly to the cross.  If Jesus would die for us shouldn't we be willing to sacrifice time and money for the least of these?
On to the second excuse...
There are so many children who are starving in little cribs, their limbs growing weaker, their eyes less focused from lack of stimulation, their hearts getting more and more broken. When they are lifted or touched their little bodies hurt, their broken hearts filled with fear. It is easier for people to leave them alone...
don't say my house isn't big enough, is your heart big enough? Jesus fills us with His love, His heart is for the least of these; Jesus did not tell His Father that there wasn't enough room in heaven.

Adopted Is a beautiful word.
Adopted is to be chosen
Adopted is to be loved
Adopted is to be taken care of
Adopted is to be loved unconditionally

Adopted is being shown the love of Jesus...
            Adopt is showing His love.
“ Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless
is this:to look after orphans and widows in their distress
and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.”
—James 1:27
                                          “ He has showed you,O man,what is good. And what does
                                           the LORD require of you?To act justly and to love mercy and to walk                                                humbly with your God.”                           —Micah 6:8


Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Victorious Hope

There is an orphan by the name of Nikolay; he lives in an orphanage in eastern Europe. He has just turned three.     There was a family who fell in love, they pursued his adoption.  Today Nikolay is back on the waiting list - waiting for a family. His third birthday is passing without a family, the family is sad but trusts God's plan, HIS plan to prosper and not to harm either them or Nikolay. They are still hoping-hoping in things not seen... The name Nikolay means 'Victorious People'     As Christians who believe in the one true God who is living and active, We have hope, hope in the unseen things; we have faith in the all powerful, all loving God; In Christ we can do all things, in Christ we are Victorious People.

I believe that Jesus Christ has ultimate power and authority. HE has the authority over this adoption, HIS heart is for the fatherless; in HIM alone is the victory, HE has HIS plan and HE will see HIS plan to completion.                              

                                                                  1 John 5:4 
                               For everyone who has been born of God overcomes the world.                                                  

                               And this is the victory that has overcome the world-our faith.


(update: Nikolay has a family who are going to adopt him and a little girl from his orphanage.)

Tuesday, August 6, 2013


I came across a quote today that says...
 "adopting a child won't change the world, but for that child, the world will change."

God does not call you to do things that are not possible, through Him all things are possible.  You might think that, that "how will it even make a difference in the whole scheme of things? it is just one child!"   Yes!!! it is one child!  alleluia! one child will find love, their heavenly father!
"adopting a child will not change the world, but for that child the whole world will change."

Susannah Baffa

The Fatherless

The Fatherless.                   

God talks a lot about the Fatherless and it is evident that He has a heart for the orphan.                                                                                      
                                                             Psalm 68:5
            A father to the fatherless, a defender of widows, is God in his holy dwelling.

                                                             JAMES 1:27

Religion that is pure and undefiled before God, the Father, is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unstained from the world.  

pray that one child may find joy today, pray that one child would receive necessary medical care, that one child may find a family, be saved from the streets, be shown love, come to know their Savior, that one child may understand that they are valued by God... the list could go on and on.   Pray that one fatherless child will realize that fatherless they are no more.      

Susannah Baffa